Well, Good Morning, friend - it has been a long time, hasn't it? It has been almost exactly 2 years since the " Steve and Marci Euro 2013" went dormant.... We have had over 10,000 page views since this started - not a lot compared to Trump, or Jon Stewart, but not bad for a little travel blog created at the last minute. I know many of you have enjoyed the missives whilst we traveled, as you all told me how much you looked forward to them. Marci & I are about to leave on a new adventure - a 9 week trip to Australia and New Zealand. And I have a small problem you can help me with. Marci is reluctant to write a new travel blog for this trip - she feels that unless she does something new, why bother...and I know from all of you that you would actually like the same style of travel blog. So, if you can, you will need to write to Marci and convince her that there really is an audience for her writing while we hit Oceania this November and December.... >...
Still married (almost 40 years), still traveling (over 50 countries to date), still writing (Marci), still photographing (Steve) and still enjoying every day of every adventure. Share it with us!