Today, Dec. 1st is the first day of Summer here in Australia....stranger yet when compounded by the fact that Marci & I traveled to Melbourne where we got the first really cool weather of the trip ( 23 degree high - about 73F ), and since the long travel days usually have little interesting to share, I get the assignment to write while Marci recharges.
So today, we will answer the WTF Quiz #A2.
A reminder of the quiz photo:
As always, many interesting guesses....some better, more creatives ones were:
• A hand sanitizer station (wow, thats a lot of sanitizing!)
• A water station for giving dogs a drink.. ??? I suppose because it is very hot and dogs will drink from this dirty looking bottle
• And my favorite - a cooler spot for the milkman to leave your bottle of milk, in the shade.....because my French friend thinks we can still get milk delivered....
So, for the correct answer - first I will show you the large part of the sign above the bottle spot.....
Yes, in Australia, there are many things that can hurt or kill you......crocodiles, snakes, huge spiders.....and the most likely of all - The Queensland this time of year you cannot go into the ocean for fear of a severe, or even deadly sting from the jellyfish and other ' stingers' in the warm waters...
And the rest of the sign:
This is an emergency aid station if you get stung so that you might bear the pain until you get to medical aid....every beach entryway has a sign warning of the stingers, and most have the vinegar station for first aid.
The winner of #A2 is: no one....sad. The prize will roll over into the next contest.
Marci & I enjoy writing this almost daily missive for you, but it would also be nice to hear from you and let us know how you like it....we don't even really know who is reading this, so tell us! We get starved for news from home. Perhaps send some bit of news to just one of us so we can have something new to talk about over our next meal.
Please write us at, or, or if you like to show off, comment right on the blog so everyone can see......
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